I was only thinking yesterday that I should send you s message as I ain't seen you on instafuck for a while. What you say makes sense. That's why I've never seen Instagram as more than a personal little photo album. TBH I have met some great people on their and the haiku community is pretty supportive, but I never expected too much from IG, after all let's not forget it's origin as s photo sharing platform...

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Yeah, I deactivated my account altogether, which is why you haven't seen me. I certainly don't have any hard feelings after leaving. Well, sort of.

It's a damned if you do and damned if you don't kind of situation.

But I stand by everything I mentioned in this post. Instagram isn't a good place for reading another person's written work. Especially when the algorithm works against you, and it certainly shouldn't take over five years to get a decent audience of readers.

I was teetering on the edge there for quite some time. Trying to give myself a reason to stay. But I figured it was about time to let things go.

I think the most disheartening aspect was I thought I had made some close relationships with some other writers on there, but eventually got ghosted. Either that or it became a situation where I felt I was always the person who had to start the discussions. I ended up developing a bit of resentment, which isn't healthy at all, so taking myself out of the equation was the best thing I could probably have done.

I'm also in the middle of a hiatus because I can't seem to find the energy to write at the moment, and I'm trying my damnedest to refrain from starting over again completely.

I've even thought about potentially creating a forum of sorts where it is "invite only" so that there is a place for some poets to share their work among a group of individuals who give a damn and want to take the time to read and hold a conversation. Kind of similar to The Poetry Cove days, but only sharing, no extra crap or paywalls. I just don't know where to host it.

But, yeah, Instagram isn't what it used to be. Glad you were able to find a supportive community in the haiku realm though.

I'll probably start an additional publication on here, Substack, to share some poems here and there. That way I can send invites to those who are already subscribed to Wandering Metaphors. In fact, I don't even know how frequently I'll be making new content for WM anyway.

But thanks for reaching our Marc. If you'd like to chat in private sometime, you can always send me a DM through Substack.

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