The Wandering Metaphor
Wandering Metaphors
Embracing the Darkness of 'My Best Friend's A Vampire'

Embracing the Darkness of 'My Best Friend's A Vampire'

Dive into the haunting world of 'My Best Friend's A Vampire,' a captivating poetic exploration of friendship and illness.
An illustrated image of a an open coffin inside a room of a mansion.

My Best Friend’s A Vampire

After Lancee Whetman

And I’m glad to be their blood donor.

At least, I’m B-positive that I am.

Which is to say my blue veins

are an open river, and their teeth

are the kayak aloft white rapids.

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The Wandering Metaphor
Wandering Metaphors
Dive into the world of poetry on the Wandering Metaphors podcast where we chat with poets about their new releases and explore the creative process behind their work.