Wandering Metaphors
Wandering Metaphors
EP3 Ronan McGuire/Something To Say

EP3 Ronan McGuire/Something To Say

"Something to Say" is a collection of poetry and prose by Ronan McGuire.

Join our host Ken LéMarchand in welcoming poet-author Ronan McGuire for a deep dive into his latest collection, Something To Say.

Dive into "something to say," a vibrant collection by Ronan McGuire.

This rising star bares his soul through personal essays and poems, exploring themes of loneliness, guilt, and the path to hope. With a playful spirit and a touch of melancholy, McGuire's words resonate with anyone who's ever dared to dream.

You can also find this episode on Spotify.

Purchase your copy of something to say from Bottlecap Press here.

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Wandering Metaphors
Wandering Metaphors
Dive into the world of poetry on the Wandering Metaphors podcast where we chat with poets about their new releases and explore the creative process behind their work.