Editorial Guidelines

Please read the following Editorial Guidelines carefully before submitting.

We're thrilled you're interested in contributing to Wandering Metaphors! To ensure a consistent and engaging experience for our readers, we've outlined some basic editorial guidelines.


  • Focus on Poetry: All articles should be related to poetry analysis, exploration of poetic techniques or movements, or discussions of specific poets and their work.

  • Engaging & Accessible: Write in a clear and engaging style that is accessible to a broad audience of poetry enthusiasts.

  • Originality: We encourage fresh perspectives and insightful interpretations.


  • Word Count: Aim for articles between 1200 and 2400 words.

  • Citations: If necessary, use the Chicago citation style for referencing.

  • Images: Feel free to include relevant images (with proper attribution) to enhance your article.

Submission Process:

  • Please submit your complete article along with a short bio (around 50 words) introducing yourself and your background in poetry.

  • We recommend reviewing a few published articles on our blog to get a sense of our style and tone.

Additional Notes:

  • We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, grammar, and style.

  • We will inform you of our decision within 3-5 business days of receiving your submission.

  • All guest writers must sign a First Serial Rights agreement upon acceptance of submitted work.

Thank you for considering Wandering Metaphors! We look forward to reading your work.

Send all your submissions to kenlemarchand@proton.me.